Day 1
23rd June
The beginning of our journey. After conquering Nilai the past Saturday, Aaron, Benzhi, Ivan and Zhi Peng were greeted by a warm response from our teacher advisors, Puan Lim and Puan Ng with news to undertake the project for the iChallenge I-CARE For The Environment Campaign. Now, those reading this now should know what it is, but if you don’t, then do not hesitate to ask us. We had a short briefing from our teacher advisors, and our team suggested a few projects which could be done. So yeah, the first day of everything was solely planning what our project will be. Ideas sprang up from all four of us, showing how balanced all our minds were to this new venture. Let’s just say we brainstormed many rational and somewhat unique ideas, and don’t forget it’s just the first day of everything! We did some surveying of the school grounds right after that and manage to get a view on the compound. I won’t disclose any of the details here, but rest assured Day 1 had its early spirit in all of us.
Day 2
24th June
The second day was rather quiet but for a conflict which we had between a competitor. I feel we had and still have been misunderstood on our stand on our actions. Enough of all that. Day 2 was one where a thorough search and survey mission was conducted to find a proper location for our project. By now, we had a much clearer view on what was our purpose, and talking to Puan Ng helped us focus our scope. Ideas had been discussed, and decisions were being made.
Day 3
25th June
Day 3. We’ve only been working at it for 3 days, but we were certain we were on the right track. The only thing today is for us to create a proposal letter for the project. Thus began the typing and composing Aaron and Benzhi were doing in the Bilik Kaunseling. By now, we had our own team name, motto, and other applications such as this blog and email address (both created by Aaron on Day 2). A few other parties had also been informed about the project as we sought out support from clubs and societies.
Day 4
26th June
Fourth day of the campaign. The most eventful, really. Project proposal was done the night before by Aaron. By now, the team had a very systematic scope on the campaign, with each member having their respective fields. Aaron was to do the administration and paperwork, Benzhi to coordinate the resources involved and schematic layouts, Ivan the electronical and function mechanisms being used, and Zhi Peng on the main base operations at the chosen sites. With a well balanced team and mindset, we set out for support from our teacher advisors, which now comprise of 3 teachers with the addition of Miss Ng. While teachers shared their views, the plans were being altered periodically and evolved into a much broader perspective. Our teachers found our ideas remarkable, but far-fetched from being accomplished due to certain factors, though they did lend their utmost support.
Upon agreement of the final proposal, Puan Lim and Miss Ng accompanied us to meet with Pengetua Lily (who was really busy, and so we thank her for lending us some of her time). Pengetua was rather pleased that two La Salle teams had made it to the finals, and after our explanation on our ideas and plans she was impressed with our initial idea but admitted that carrying it out will be a monumental task. We reasoned that we were up for it, and pointed out our determination towards winning by underlining our credentials to aim for the 1st place finish. As our negotiations drew on, Pengetua Lily was kind enough to offer us financial support in our campaign. Grateful and surprised as we were, we thanked her earnestly for it and promised a financial proposal which Benzhi will draft out by Monday. As we left her office, the other La Salle team was going to do their proposal (I’m unsure, but that’s what I thought they were there for). Immediately after that, we returned back to the Bilik Kaunseling, which by now had been dubbed our “HQ” for the campaign, to draft out a financial working paper on the materials which were needed. The rest of the day was spend thinking of how the appliances were to be fitted and the schematic drawings needed to pursue it.
A special note: At the end of the day, as most of the students from the morning session had already left, we managed to push forward our advantage by gaining support from another (younger) branch of the school (with some persuasion by Aaron, of course). As it stands, this group of students will be the youngsters of our team, symbolising their association with HydroNeptune as our apprentices.
Week One had gone well. Plans had been mooted, discussed and approved. So now we leave you with some pictures on the site which we are proposed to carry out our plans. Enjoy, and stay tuned for more updates soon.