Day 20
20th July
A new week, but the same aim and target. This will be the final week of our campaign, and what a journey it has been. Without further hesitation, the team descended to the garden to finish off any touch-ups needed. The final result: a beautiful eco-garden with flora and fauna, coinciding with each other under one system to conserve the resource that contributes to both its lives: water. Thus the day ended with the completion of the one project that is our pride and joy.

Day 21
21st July
A much anticipated day for all of us, as SYABAS officials were due to give their presentation today. At around 9.15am 3 officials arrived amid the rain. The presentation was done in the Language Lab and those lucky to attend it were Leo Club members, librarians, student helpers and our teacher advisors. During the hour-long presentation, the officials described about SYABAS, its role and the effort it was making to save water and encourage the community to conserve water resources. After that a quiz was held based on the presentation and winning participants were given a metallic bottle as prizes. Teachers were also given souvenirs. SYABAS Badges were given out to those who attended, while the school also gave the officials a token of appreciation of their time spent here. Aaron then escorted them to the project site and explained about the campaign we were carrying out. After recess, our INTI mentor Christine was around and gave us a briefing on the details of the final presentation on Saturday. We absorbed what details we could and hurried to finish off any tasks left for the day, which include a new schematic for diagram purpose and a few reports. Aaron then stayed back awhile to brief our teacher advisors on the reporting method of the team and the presentation breakdown. A very busy day indeed!

Day 22
22nd July
Our D-Day for the final report. Easy and simple was our delegation of the tasks at hand: Aaron works the reports, Zhi Peng and Ivan on the slideshow, Ben Zhi and Yao Chang supporting us from the sides with input. We also agreed that our presentation be a 2+2+6+2 configuration, where 2mins were for the sketch, 2mins for the video, 6mins for the slideshow and an extra two for a video on photos taken during the entire month. As the day went on, alot of work had been done, thought much was still left untouched. We employed a new exco member to be part of the video making too, which is Arthur Keng. Now all we need is some luck, dedication, speed and stamina to complete this mammoth task before us.