Day 15
13th July
Week Four has begun and final touch-ups needed to be done. Work on the eco-garden resumed as did report writing and composition of the bulletin. Aaron has just received an idea to do a presentation to a NGO on our campaign, which was a positive move. The SYABAS invitation letter was drafted and ready to be sent, while Miss Ng and Puan Lim planned a trip to a recycling centre this Thursday. Earlier in the day we managed to have talks with Pengetua Lily on the financial support we needed and she approved on our request, thus fully funding the eco-garden project. Work in the mini-nursery was reaching its peak as plants were being made ready to be planted in after the “Adopt A Plant” project had received high support from teachers. Our INTI Mentor Christine also dropped by to check on progress of both HydroNeptune and Greenity, our partner team. Lam, the newest member of the team had compiled a brilliant new video to be shown during the presentation. A group meeting was made to further discuss the plans of the week as time was not on our side. It was understood that all of us had to make do with our resources and not waste any more time in completing the plans and reports if the deadline is to be met. Another day at the office, as they say.
Day 16
14th July
A day which started out with the second Water Quiz, which consisted of three questions being asked during the morning assembly carried out by Ivan. Shortly after that, Zhi Peng and Ivan resumed work on the garden and the planting of the flowers. Aaron had finished the bulletin at home and Zhi Peng edited the format for it to enter printing. Unfortunately our trusty printer ran out of ink before the final product could be printed. Nevertheless, we hope the bulletin will enter circulation by the next day. We also received a call from SYABAS which was to postpone their proposed lecture to be given during school hours to next week, with Tuesday the probable day. Today also saw the formation of the rock garden section of the eco-garden taking its shape. Though not fully complete, Ivan, Zhi Peng and Yao Chang had done a great job in the gravel arrangements and the planting of the mini-nursery. Now all that needs to be done are the surau project, slideshow and video presentation, completion of the eco-garden, final sales of the badges and report writing, all of which we hope can be accomplished by Friday at 12pm. That’s our target, and we will make every effort possible to achieve it.
Day 17
15th July
A truly historic day for the team. It started off with the final day of the quiz in the morning by Ivan. As always, we received a great response by students during the morning assembly. During the first half of the day, reports we being drafted as our INTI Mentor Christine was scheduled to come over. Right after that, preparations were made for the first ever HydroNeptune video presentation. After recess, two classes which were having relief period were called up to the library for a special video cum presentation on the facts regarding water. The videos were specially made available by exco members Lam Ka Jhun and Jason Yap. Great job guys! But the day didn’t just stop there. We were also very proud for the plumbing works on the eco-garden were finally finished, with the entire system functioning as planned. The rock garden was near its final stage, while the mini-nursery and area within the site just needed some touch ups before we would have achieved a 100% completion to the project. A real turnaround from the turbulent days just a week ago.

Day 18
16th July
The team seems unending in its pursuit of more support, as such was today. The night before, Aaron had stayed up late just to complete an 18-slide slideshow for the Rotary Club of Klang, as we were specially invited guest speakers for their weekly meeting. The day at school was troubled by a photoshoot, therefore tasks completed were minimum. A group of students escorted by our teacher advisors were brought on a field trip to a water exhibition. The group also comprised some of our afternoon session apprentices. But the most positive point of the day would be the special presentation to around 15 Rotarians at the Royal Klang Club. At 1.10pm Aaron and Ivan hurried off to the venue, arriving later than our expected 1.20pm timeslot due to school matters. After being treated to lunch and an introduction by Rotarian Adrian, our task got underway. Aaron presented while Ivan worked the slideshow. We explained all about our campaign, the projects that were being carried out and the impact we were aiming to achieve. To our surprise, our presentation was met with huge praise from the members of the club, which range from Datuks and respected adults who specialise in their fields (examples are gynaecology, dentistry, engineering, law, etc.). Aaron and Ivan were even presented with a special token of appreciation from President Heng. A few Rotarians offered their expertise in the project, as well as signed a petition form showing their support. Overall, we of HydroNeptune would like to specially thank the Rotary Club of Klang for the opportunity to present to them and for their support.
Day 19
17th July
REPORT DAY! When the team came to school today, there was only one thing in mind: To finish off all our reports and paperwork. And so we set out to do so. With both Aaron and Ivan bringing their laptops, output was at its maximum. The team managed to prepare reports for the projects and drafted out more petition forms for classes. Distribution to the morning session was done and response was good. As the day drew to a close, Ben Zhi tested the water in the eco-garden system by releasing fishes into the pond. We stayed back thinking our INTI Mentor would show up but she called and said she can’t make it. Nevertheless, work had to be done. We prepared more petition lists for the afternoon session too. Just before adjourning for the day, Aaron briefed the apprentice Neptunes led by Sebastian Sim. The team he is leading was tasked to come up with a report and experiment on the facts they had obtained from the field trip they went on, and there will be a special project in store for all from them. Good luck to you guys!
At the end of the week, it has proved that though obstacles are numerous, there is always a light at the end of the tunnel waiting for us. This week only showed half of all our achievements, with the following and final week coming up next. As the time for the finals draw near, we gather all our resources for a last push to making this campaign an all-round success.
Blog report:
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Update by Aaron
PS: Apologies for not updating sooner. My internet connection was crippled for a few days, so uploading was almost impossible. =)
Day 16- more like curious students that so happened to be passing by than supporter patrons?
ReplyDeleteDear Anonymous,
ReplyDeleteSupport varies, and well you may have a point, the students there are those of our juniors from the afternoon session, who also have been supporting this campaign as Junior Neptunes.
Thanks for your comment. =)